Banavie Competition Entry
'Engineered Landscape'
A competition entry for two viewpoint structures at the base and summit of 'Neptune's Staircase' in Benavie as part of the Scottish Scenic Routes Initiative in conjunction with the Scottish Government and Scottish Canals.
Banavie is a powerful example of the man-made in the landscape and a key node on the Caledonian Canal with existing tourist facilities making it an ideal place to stop and take in the wonderful views of Ben Nevis.
The proposal for this site consists of two separate structures connected through a common use of materials and architectural language which openly references its canal side context.
The southern 'Marker' structure signifies the site to the road/rail and pedestrian users while creating an elevated viewpoint for both the canal and the Nevis Range. This is achieved by reversing the landscape through a ramped structure. Dark timber references the stark black canal vernacular while the white stained 'lantern' provides the visual marker to passing traffic.
The Northern 'Viewpoint' provides a moment to pause and reflect following the steady climb to the summit. Again using the landscape this structure offers the visitor the chance to continue to climb a little higher via a ramp to gain an elevated view of Ben Nevis.